Imprint & Privacy

Website Owner & Contact

Gernot Längst

Universitätsstr. 31
93053 Regensburg 

fon: +49 941 943 2600
email: gernot.laengst(at)


Please note that texts, pictures and graphics as well as their arrangements produced by the website owner (or third parties) are protected by copyright law. Therefore, these elements must not be copied, changed nor reproduced on other web pages.



The operator is only responsible for the original content provided in accordance with the applicable laws. This original content is to be distinguished from links to the websites of other operators. Through these references marked as ‘external links’, the operator enables visitors to access ‘third-party content’.
The operator is not responsible for this third-party content as the operator does not initiate the data transmission, does not choose the recipient of the information and does not select or have any influence on the information transmitted. The methods used to provide access and link to this third-party information also do not involve any automatic short-term storage, resulting in a full exclusion of any liability for third-party content on the operator’s part.
When links to these websites were first incorporated, however, the authors of the relevant websites or the operator’s editors reviewed the external content to ascertain whether it would possibly entail liability under civil or criminal law. Should the operator become aware or be made aware by others that the content of a website linked from this site could constitute a civil or criminal law violation, then the link will be immediately removed as long as this is technically feasible and within reasonable expectation.
Liability for illegal, inaccurate or incomplete content and for damages resulting from the use or non-use of information provided by third parties shall lie exclusively with the respective operators of the linked sites.



The owner of the website does neither collect nor process personal data when the website is used.

Wir benötigen Ihre Zustimmung zum Laden der Übersetzungen

Wir nutzen einen Drittanbieter-Service, um den Inhalt der Website zu übersetzen, der möglicherweise Daten über Ihre Aktivitäten sammelt. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Details in der Datenschutzerklärung und akzeptieren Sie den Dienst, um die Übersetzungen zu sehen.