Rebecca Paintner

I am currently a master’s student in Biology at the University of Regensburg, where I also completed my bachelor’s degree from 2019 to 2022. My academic interests bridge evolutionary and molecular biology. During my bachelor’s studies, I specialized in behavioral evolutionary biology. Building on this foundation, I shifted my focus during my master’s studies to molecular biology, applying it also to topics with evolutionary and ecological relevance.


For my master’s thesis, I am working in the research group of Prof. Dr. Längst, investigating chromatin remodeling in triplex-bound nucleosomes. Specifically, my research focuses on the interactions between the chromatin remodelers CHD3 and CHD4 and triplex-bound nucleosomes. By analyzing these interactions, I want to shed light on the mechanisms of chromatin dynamics and their implications for gene regulation.


My project involves a combination of techniques, including electromobility shift assays (EMSAs) to study triplex formation, as well as remodeling and ADP biosensor assays to investigate the remodeling activities of CHD3 and CHD4. These tools allow me to explore the intricate details of chromatin remodeling and its broader biological significance.


Niklas Schaub

Hey, I am Niklas, I am doing my master’s thesis for my Biology M.Sc. study program in the lab. My project focuses on free cellular single stranded DNA, a potential new class of regulatory molecules.


After the extraction of ssDNA from different sample organisms and tissues has been accomplished using the E.coli single-strand-binding protein and the isolated ssDNA has been sequenced, the main goal as of yet is the bioinformatic analysis of the generated sequencing data.


By identifying genomic regions and types of genomic features associated with ssDNA sequences while filtering out unspecific enrichment, we hope to gain insights into potential mechanisms creating free ssDNA in cells and possible regulatory functions.

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