Simon Holzinger

I am a sequencing expert and bioinformatician with a particular interest in the intricate mechanisms of DNA packaging. My research aims to elucidate the mechanisms underlying nucleosome positioning and its function in chromatin organisation and transcriptional regulation.


I undertook my undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Biochemistry at the University of Regensburg, specialising in sequencing technologies and genomics analysis. During my doctoral studies in the laboratory of Gernot Längst, I investigated the role of individual histone tails in chromatin organisation and nucleosome positioning. Additionally, I contributed to research exploring chromatin architecture in a range of other organisms, including Plasmodium falciparum, adenovirus and SARS-CoV-2. Since completing my PhD, I have concentrated my research efforts on elucidating the unique chromatin landscape of the malaria parasite, utilising its intricate life cycle as a model for chromatin dynamics in transcriptional regulation and using the Plasmodium specific histone variants H2A.Z and H2B.Z to understand the influence of histone variants on nucleosome stability and positioning.

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